Nota bene:
Il motoveicolo dovrà essere ritirato e conseguentemente riconsegnato presso il punto di ritiro designato dal NOLEGGIATORE.
In caso di ritiro e/o riconsegna in luogo diverso da quello designato dal NOLEGGIATORE, questo andrà preventivamente concordato con il NOLEGGIATORE, ed in ogni caso potrebbe essere richiesta una tariffa aggiuntiva a discrezione assoluta del NOLEGGIATORE.
– Il NOLEGGIANTE conferma di ritenersi responsabile e custode del motoveicolo in oggetto fino ad avvenuta riconsegna del mezzo.
– Il NOLEGGIANTE dichiara espressamente a pena di sanzione anche penale, di essere in grado psico-fisico di condurre il motoveicolo anche in luoghi pubblici
– Il NOLEGGIANTE dichiara di essere pienamente consapevole e cosciente di assumere, al momento della sottoscrizione del presente atto, il proprio obbligo irrevocabile di rimborsare al locatore l’intero ammontare di eventuali danni causati al motoveicolo ed agli accessori oggetto di noleggio, tramite rimessa diretta, bonifico o altro mezzo, ed a tal riguardo la sottoscrizione del presente atto ha pieno ed incondizionato valore di autorizzazione espressa al rimborso.
- l) Il motoveicolo viene messo a disposizione esclusivamente della persona che sottoscrive il presente atto, con divieto assoluto di cederlo a terzi per qualsiasi ragione, titolo e causa, anche di improvvisa indisposizione fisica che non sia documentata prontamente da attestazione medica rilasciata da a.s.l. o da servizio medico pubblico. In conseguenza il presente contratto non è cedibile.
2) Il NOLEGGIANTE dichiara di conoscere in maniera perfetta il codice della strada e si impegna ad osservarlo minuziosamente al fine di evitare qualsivoglia infrazione e violazione.
3) Il NOLEGGIANTE dichiara di trovarsi in condizioni fisiche e psichiche idonee alla guida del mezzo, non soffrendo di menomazione, malattia, dipendenza o indisposizione di qualsivoglia origine e tipologia che possa negativamente influire sulle capacità e possibilità di guida del motoveicolo.
4) Il NOLEGGIANTE dichiara di avere dimestichezza con la guida del motoveicolo, e di porlo in circolazione sotto la sua completa ed esclusiva responsabilità. Al riguardo dichiara di avere compiuto la maggiore età.
5) Il NOLEGGIANTE dichiara che il motoveicolo viene a lui consegnato in ottimo stato di funzionamento, che non presenta alcuna anomalia estetica e/o di funzionamento impegnandosi a custodirla e riconsegnarla in perfetto stato.
6) Il motoveicolo dovrà essere riconsegnato completo di ogni accessorio e componente di cui è stato dotato al momento della presa in consegna, nel luogo e termine finale (giorno ed ora) stabilito nel contratto in perfette condizioni di conservazione; in caso contrario il locatore potrà denunciare il locatario per appropriazione indebita o per altro pregiudizio o fattispecie prevista per legge, o per illecito civile e penale che riterrà concretizzato, oltre a richiedere il risarcimento del danno a titolo di penale concordemente quantificato in € 300,00 giornaliere. Al riguardo anche la frazione di ora si intenderà giornata completa. In nessun caso, salvo deroghe espresse al momento della firma del presente contratto, potrà farsi luogo a proroga, comunque da autorizzarsi da parte del locatore preventivamente e almeno 36 ore prima della scadenza.
7) Il NOLEGGIANTE dovrà comunicare per iscritto nel più breve tempo possibile se sia incorso in violazioni od infrazioni alle leggi, ed avvisare immediatamente se per qualsivoglia motivo sia minacciato od avvenga il sequestro del veicolo. È altresì, obbligo del NOLEGGIANTE avvisare immediatamente il locatore in qualsiasi caso di anomalia o di sinistro anche se con danni al solo mezzo.
8) Il NOLEGGIANTE si obbliga ad usare il veicolo con prudenza senza esporsi a rischi e pericoli per velocità elevata, a non effettuare gareggiamenti su strade aperte al pubblico o private e dovrà osservare correttamente il codice della strada.
9) Il veicolo dovrà essere usato in maniera tale da evitare qualsiasi danno; non potrà essere modificato, manomesso, non dovrà essere parcheggiato in zone insicure, con pavimentazione stradale cedevole.
10) In caso di furto o danneggiamento, in cui il mezzo riportasse danni che ammontino ad un valore superiore a quello commerciale del mezzo, Il NOLEGGIANTE dovrà indennizzare il locatore del prezzo di mercato del veicolo (varrà il prezzo di listino in vigore).
11) In caso di sinistro anche se di minima entità il locatore dovrà essere immediatamente avvisato; Il NOLEGGIANTE si obbliga a chiamare subito le autorità di polizia più vicine per ogni utile attività di accertamento e soccorso, senza rilasciare alcuna dichiarazione di responsabilità che, ove rilasciata, non impegna e non importa responsabilità in alcun modo per il locatore ma esclusivamente Il NOLEGGIANTE talché, in questo caso, il locatore sarà libero di disconoscere la dichiarazione e di espletare ogni utile indagine. È fatto obbligo al NOLEGGIANTE di prendere nota dei nominativi di ogni altra persona e mezzo eventualmente coinvolti, generalità complete, istituti assicurativi e ogni altro utile elemento idoneo a stabilire l’esatto svolgersi dei fatti; entro il giorno seguente dovrà inviare al locatore dettagliato resoconto dell’accaduto, all’ indirizzo e-mail della società locatrice. Il NOLEGGIANTE dovrà in ogni caso seguire le istruzioni che gli verranno fornite dalla Società intestataria del veicolo o locatore circa la custodia, il trasporto, il ricovero e la riparazione del veicolo. Ove il veicolo riportasse danni, Il NOLEGGIANTE si obbliga irrevocabilmente a risarcirli, nonché a farsi carico di ogni spesa inerente alla gestione completa del sinistro (anche legale). Egli sarà in ogni caso obbligato al pagamento di somme in franchigia e di qualsiasi onere, somma e gravame derivante dal contratto di noleggio. Il veicolo, a seguito di qualsiasi sinistro, non potrà essere messo in moto e fatto circolare senza che vi sia accertamento tecnicamente ed amministrativamente positivo della sua efficienza; al riguardo dovrà essere data comunque l’avviso di cui al comma 1 che precede, e dovranno essere seguite la procedura e le istruzioni che verranno fornite al NOLEGGIANTE.
12) Se il veicolo, durante l’uso convenuto e corretto da parte del NOLEGGIANTE, dovesse manifestare guasti non imputabili al medesimo, la Società locatrice dovrà esserne subito avvisata e provvederà, se possibile, alla sostituzione del veicolo con altro disponibile; in caso di rifiuto della sostituzione od impossibilità di sostituzione il NOLEGGIANTE avrà diritto esclusivamente al rimborso della frazione di tempo di noleggio non goduta. Per patto espresso e nella piena consapevolezza del NOLEGGIANTE è irrevocabilmente escluso ogni altro risarcimento per danni (solo in via esemplificativa, e non esaustiva, vacanza rovinata, prenotazioni di alberghi, strutture di vacanza o divertimento, nulla escluso).
13) Le riparazioni per forature ed eventuali danneggiamenti agli pneumatici saranno esclusivamente a carico del NOLEGGIANTE il quale si obbliga, per motivi di sicurezza del mezzo, a comunicare al locatore ogni eventuale evento di tal genere, fornendo copia degli eventuali costi ed elenco lavori sostenuti.
14) Con la sottoscrizione del presente atto il NOLEGGIANTE si impegna a dichiarare i dati della carta di credito come forma di garanzia ad ogni forma di danneggiamento al motoveicolo o alla società dovuto a danneggiamenti, smarrimenti di dotazione, sinistri, sanzioni amministrative, etc. In tal caso il NOLEGGIATORE potrà addebitare sul conto corrente designato dal NOLEGGIANTE l’importo dovuto che potrà essere incondizionatamente usato per pagare danni al veicolo e di ogni altro costo connesso all’ uso del mezzo, danni diretti inclusi. Il NOLEGGIATORE si impegna a fornire prova dei pagamenti dei danni subiti a causa del NOLEGGIANTE a riprova dell’importo addebitato.
15) Con la sottoscrizione del contratto di noleggio il NOLEGGIANTE acquista soltanto la detenzione del veicolo e dovrà incondizionatamente restituirlo entro il termine finale convenuto.
16) Il NOLEGGIANTE deve segnalare immediatamente ogni anomalia del veicolo alla Società.
17) Il pagamento potrà avvenire con ogni mezzo lecito, la cancellazione della prenotazione dovrà avvenire entro 36 ore antecedenti l’inizio del noleggio; in difetto la Società potrà trattenere quale penale l’importo versato come anticipo.
18) Il NOLEGGIANTE, al momento della sottoscrizione del contratto di noleggio, dovrà rilasciare copia del documento di identità ed i dati della carta di credito, ed autorizza anche ai sensi della normativa sulla riservatezza la società a detenere i propri dati personali. In mancanza il motoveicolo non verrà consegnato.
19) In caso di sequestro del veicolo la società addebiterà al NOLEGGIANTE l’ intero costo sia della custodia, il costo giornaliero calcolato in base alle tariffe di noleggio per la mancata disponibilità del veicolo fino al suo dissequestro, con un massimo pari al valore di sostituzione del mezzo alla data di scadenza del periodo di noleggio; in tal caso, raggiunto il citato valore massimo, dopo avere incamerato le dovute somme, il veicolo verrà fatturato al NOLEGGIANTE anche se sequestrato senza alcuna responsabilità o conseguenza per essa società.
20) Se il noleggio dovesse avere durata minore rispetto al periodo stabilito in contratto per causa non imputabile al concedente, non si farà luogo ad alcun rimborso.
21) Le parti convengono che per qualsiasi controversia il regolamento del rapporto è dato dal presente contratto, dalle condizioni generali e dal codice civile italiano.
Per patto espresso in nessun caso Il LOCATORE può essere ritenuto cliente nel significato anche normativo indicato nella L. 206/2005 e successive modificazioni.
22) Il Foro competente, convenzionalmente stabilito, è il Foro di Napoli.
23) Il NOLEGGIANTE dichiara che il presente contratto, è composto da n. 5 pagine, e di averlo, preventivamente alla sottoscrizione in calce, letto attentamente ed averlo compreso in dettaglio.
In particolare dichiara di avere preso visione di tutte quelle disposizioni, predisposte dalla Società locatrice, che possono comportare previsioni contrattuali a carico del NOLEGGIANTE, precisando di avere letto attentamente quanto contenuto negli articoli dal n° 1 al n° 23, qui sotto riassunti: – stato e condizioni del veicolo – obbligo di comunicazioni alla Società – costi del noleggio – comportamento ed obblighi in caso di sinistro; risarcimento del danno – esenzione e rinuncia al risarcimento del danno in caso di guasto al veicolo – deposito cauzionale a favore e da parte della Società – sequestro del veicolo, addebiti ed oneri finanziari e penali – rinuncia all’ indennizzo per riconsegna antecedente alla scadenza del contratto e inutilizzo del mezzo da parte del NOLEGGIANTE – Foro convenzionale anche per questioni potenzialmente ricomprese nel d.lgv0 206/2005 ( c.d. codice del consumo e sue modificazioni) – Verifica ed approvazione del contratto.
Il NOLEGGIANTE dichiara di avere ben compreso le norme che precedono, i propri obblighi contrattuali, eventuali addebiti e pregiudizi, dichiara di condividerne il contenuto come predisposto dalla Società e di accettarlo incondizionatamente talché lo sottoscrive coscientemente e lo approva nel suo insieme.
Please note:
The motorcycle must be collected and consequently returned to the collection point designated by the CHARTERER.
In case of collection and / or return to a place other than that designated by the CHARTERER, this must be previously agreed with the CHARTERER, and in any case an additional rate may be required at the absolute discretion of the CHARTERER.
– The RENTER confirms that he is responsible and guardian of the motorcycle in question until the vehicle is returned.
– The RENTER expressly declares, under penalty of criminal sanction, to be in the proper psycho-physical conditions suitable for driving the motorcycle even in public places.
– The RENTER declares to be fully aware of assuming, at the time of signing this act, its irrevocable obligation to reimburse the charterer the full amount of any damage caused to the motorcycle and accessories subject to rental, by direct remittance, bank transfer or other means, and in this regard the signing of this act has full and unconditional value of express authorization to reimbursement.
- l) The motorcycle is made available exclusively to the person who signs this act, with absolute prohibition to transfer it to third parties for any reason, title and cause, even of sudden physical indisposition that is not promptly documented by medical certificate issued by a.s.l. or by public medical service. Consequently, this contract is not valid.
2) The RENTER declares to know perfectly the road code and undertakes to observe it meticulously in order to avoid any infringement and violation.
3) The RENTER declares to be in physical and mental conditions suitable for driving the vehicle, not suffering from impairment, illness or indisposition of any origin and type that may adversely affect the ability and possibility of driving the motorcycle.
4) The RENTER declares to be familiar with the driving of the motorcycle, and to put it into circulation under his complete and exclusive responsibility. In this regard, he declares that he has reached the age of majority.
5) The RENTER declares that the motorcycle is delivered to him in excellent working conditions, which does not present any aesthetic and / or operating anomaly committing to keep it and return it in perfect condition.
6) The motorcycle must be returned complete with every accessory and component with which it was equipped at the time of taking delivery, in the place and final term (day and time) established in the contract in perfect condition of conservation; otherwise the CHARTERER may denounce the RENTER for embezzlement or for other prejudice or case provided for by law, or for civil and criminal offense that he will consider concretized, as well as request compensation for damage as a penalty agreed quantified in € 300.00 per day. In this regard, even the fraction of an hour will be considered a complete day. In no case, except for exceptions expressed at the time of signing this contract, may there be an extension, however to be authorized by the CHARTERER in advance and at least 36 hours before the deadline.
7) The RENTER must communicate in writing as soon as possible if he has incurred violations of the laws and immediately notify if for any reason to the CHARTERER. It is also the obligation of the RENTER to immediately notify the CHARTERER in any case of anomaly or accident even if with damage to the vehicle alone.
8) The RENTER undertakes to use the vehicle with caution without exposing himself to risks and dangers for high speed, not to compete on roads open to the public or private and must correctly observe the highway code.
9) The vehicle must be used in such a way as to avoid any damage; it cannot be modified, tampered with, it must not be parked in unsafe areas, with sagging road pavement.
10) In case of theft or damage, in which the vehicle reports damage that amounts to a value higher than the commercial value of the vehicle, the RENTER must indemnify the CHARTERER of the market price of the vehicle (the list price in force will be valid).
11) In the event of an accident, even if it is minimal, the CHARTERER must be immediately notified; The CHARTERER undertakes the responsibility to immediately call the nearest police authorities for any useful activity of assessment and rescue, without issuing any declaration of responsibility which, where issued, does not commit and does not matter responsibility in any way for the CHARTERER but exclusively the RENTER so that, in this case, the CHARTERER will be free to disown the declaration and to carry out any useful investigation. It is obligatory for the RENTER to take note of the names of any other person possibly involved, complete personal details, insurance institutions and any other useful information suitable for establishing the exact course of the facts; within the following day he must send the CHARTERER a detailed report of the incident, to the e-mail address of the CHARTERER company. The RENTER must in any case follow the instructions that will be provided by the CHARTERER about the custody, transport, shelter and repair of the vehicle. If the vehicle suffers damage, the RENTER irrevocably undertakes to compensate them, as well as to bear any expenses inherent in the complete management of the accident (including legal). He will in any case be obliged to pay excess sums and any charges, sums and encumbrances arising from the rental contract. The vehicle, following any accident, cannot be set in motion and circulated without there being a technically and administratively positive assessment of its efficiency; in this regard, the notice referred to in paragraph 1 above must be given, and the procedure and instructions that will be provided to the RENTER must be followed.
12) If the vehicle, during the agreed and correct use by the RENTER, should show faults not attributable to the same, the CHARTERER must be immediately notified and will provide, if possible, to replace the vehicle with another available; in case of refusal of replacement or impossibility of replacement, the RENTER will be entitled exclusively to a refund of the fraction of rental time not enjoyed.
By express agreement and in the full knowledge of the RENTER it is irrevocably excluded any other compensation for damages (only by way of example, and not exhaustively, ruined holiday, hotel reservations, holiday facilities or entertainment, nothing excluded).
13) Repairs for punctures and any damage to the tires will be exclusive responsibility of the RENTER who undertakes, for reasons of safety of the vehicle, to notify the CHARTERER of any event of this kind, providing a copy of any costs and list of works incurred.
14) By signing this act, the RENTER agrees to declare the credit card data as a form of guarantee against any form of damage to the vehicle or company due to damage, loss of equipment, claims, administrative sanctions, etc. In this case, the CHARTERER may charge the account designated by the RENTER the amount due which can be unconditionally used to pay for damage to the vehicle and any other cost related to the use of the vehicle.
The CHARTERER undertakes to provide proof of payments of damages suffered due to the RENTER as proof of the amount charged.
15) With the signing of the rental contract, the RENTER acquires only the temporary possession of the vehicle and must unconditionally return it within the agreed final term.
16) The RENTER must immediately report any anomaly of the vehicle to the Company.
17) Payment can be made by any lawful means, the cancellation of the reservation must take place within 36 hours prior to the start of the rental; in case of default, the Company may withhold the amount paid as an advance as a penalty.
18) The RENTER, at the time of signing the rental contract, must issue a copy of the identity document and credit card data, and also authorizes the company to hold their personal data pursuant to the privacy legislation. Failing this, the motorcycle will not be delivered.
19) In case of seizure of the vehicle, the company will charge the RENTER the full cost of both custody, the daily cost calculated on the basis of the rental rates for the unavailability of the vehicle until its release, with a maximum equal to the replacement value of the vehicle on the date of expiry of the rental period; in this case, having reached the aforementioned maximum value, after having forfeited the due sums, the vehicle will be invoiced to the RENTER.
20) If the rental should have a shorter duration than the period established in the contract for reasons not attributable to the CHARTERER, no refund will be made.
21) The parties agree that for any dispute the settlement of the relationship is given by this contract, the general conditions and the Italian Civil Code.
22) The competent court, conventionally established, is the Court of Naples.
23) The RENTER declares that this contract is composed of n. 5 pages, and to have it, prior to the subscription at the bottom, read carefully and to have understood it in detail.
In particular, the RENTER declares to have read all those provisions, prepared by the CHARTERER Company, which may involve contractual provisions to be paid by the RENTER, specifying that it has carefully read what is contained in articles No. 1 to No.23, summarized below: – contract condition and condition of the vehicle – communication obligations to the Company – rental costs – behavior and obligations in the event of an accident; compensation for damage – exemption and waiver compensation for damage in the event of failure of the vehicle – security deposit in favor of the CHARTERER – seizure of the vehicle, charges, financial and criminal charges – waiver of compensation for return prior to the expiry date of the contract and non-use of the vehicle by the RENTER – Conventional court also for issues potentially included in Legislative Decree 206/2005 (so-call consumer code and its amendments) – Verification and approval of the contract.
The RENTER declares to have well understood the above rules, its contractual obligations, any charges and prejudices, declares to share the content as prepared by the CHARTERER and to accept it unconditionally so that it consciously subscribes to it and approves it as a whole.
Please note:
The motorcycle must be collected and consequently returned to the collection point designated by the CHARTERER.
In case of collection and / or return to a place other than that designated by the CHARTERER, this must be previously agreed with the CHARTERER, and in any case an additional rate may be required at the absolute discretion of the CHARTERER.
– The RENTER confirms that he is responsible and guardian of the motorcycle in question until the vehicle is returned.
– The RENTER expressly declares, under penalty of criminal sanction, to be in the proper psycho-physical conditions suitable for driving the motorcycle even in public places.
– The RENTER declares to be fully aware of assuming, at the time of signing this act, its irrevocable obligation to reimburse the charterer the full amount of any damage caused to the motorcycle and accessories subject to rental, by direct remittance, bank transfer or other means, and in this regard the signing of this act has full and unconditional value of express authorization to reimbursement.
- l) The motorcycle is made available exclusively to the person who signs this act, with absolute prohibition to transfer it to third parties for any reason, title and cause, even of sudden physical indisposition that is not promptly documented by medical certificate issued by a.s.l. or by public medical service. Consequently, this contract is not valid.
2) The RENTER declares to know perfectly the road code and undertakes to observe it meticulously in order to avoid any infringement and violation.
3) The RENTER declares to be in physical and mental conditions suitable for driving the vehicle, not suffering from impairment, illness or indisposition of any origin and type that may adversely affect the ability and possibility of driving the motorcycle.
4) The RENTER declares to be familiar with the driving of the motorcycle, and to put it into circulation under his complete and exclusive responsibility. In this regard, he declares that he has reached the age of majority.
5) The RENTER declares that the motorcycle is delivered to him in excellent working conditions, which does not present any aesthetic and / or operating anomaly committing to keep it and return it in perfect condition.
6) The motorcycle must be returned complete with every accessory and component with which it was equipped at the time of taking delivery, in the place and final term (day and time) established in the contract in perfect condition of conservation; otherwise the CHARTERER may denounce the RENTER for embezzlement or for other prejudice or case provided for by law, or for civil and criminal offense that he will consider concretized, as well as request compensation for damage as a penalty agreed quantified in € 300.00 per day. In this regard, even the fraction of an hour will be considered a complete day. In no case, except for exceptions expressed at the time of signing this contract, may there be an extension, however to be authorized by the CHARTERER in advance and at least 36 hours before the deadline.
7) The RENTER must communicate in writing as soon as possible if he has incurred violations of the laws and immediately notify if for any reason to the CHARTERER. It is also the obligation of the RENTER to immediately notify the CHARTERER in any case of anomaly or accident even if with damage to the vehicle alone.
8) The RENTER undertakes to use the vehicle with caution without exposing himself to risks and dangers for high speed, not to compete on roads open to the public or private and must correctly observe the highway code.
9) The vehicle must be used in such a way as to avoid any damage; it cannot be modified, tampered with, it must not be parked in unsafe areas, with sagging road pavement.
10) In case of theft or damage, in which the vehicle reports damage that amounts to a value higher than the commercial value of the vehicle, the RENTER must indemnify the CHARTERER of the market price of the vehicle (the list price in force will be valid).
11) In the event of an accident, even if it is minimal, the CHARTERER must be immediately notified; The CHARTERER undertakes the responsibility to immediately call the nearest police authorities for any useful activity of assessment and rescue, without issuing any declaration of responsibility which, where issued, does not commit and does not matter responsibility in any way for the CHARTERER but exclusively the RENTER so that, in this case, the CHARTERER will be free to disown the declaration and to carry out any useful investigation. It is obligatory for the RENTER to take note of the names of any other person possibly involved, complete personal details, insurance institutions and any other useful information suitable for establishing the exact course of the facts; within the following day he must send the CHARTERER a detailed report of the incident, to the e-mail address of the CHARTERER company. The RENTER must in any case follow the instructions that will be provided by the CHARTERER about the custody, transport, shelter and repair of the vehicle. If the vehicle suffers damage, the RENTER irrevocably undertakes to compensate them, as well as to bear any expenses inherent in the complete management of the accident (including legal). He will in any case be obliged to pay excess sums and any charges, sums and encumbrances arising from the rental contract. The vehicle, following any accident, cannot be set in motion and circulated without there being a technically and administratively positive assessment of its efficiency; in this regard, the notice referred to in paragraph 1 above must be given, and the procedure and instructions that will be provided to the RENTER must be followed.
12) If the vehicle, during the agreed and correct use by the RENTER, should show faults not attributable to the same, the CHARTERER must be immediately notified and will provide, if possible, to replace the vehicle with another available; in case of refusal of replacement or impossibility of replacement, the RENTER will be entitled exclusively to a refund of the fraction of rental time not enjoyed.
By express agreement and in the full knowledge of the RENTER it is irrevocably excluded any other compensation for damages (only by way of example, and not exhaustively, ruined holiday, hotel reservations, holiday facilities or entertainment, nothing excluded).
13) Repairs for punctures and any damage to the tires will be exclusive responsibility of the RENTER who undertakes, for reasons of safety of the vehicle, to notify the CHARTERER of any event of this kind, providing a copy of any costs and list of works incurred.
14) By signing this act, the RENTER agrees to declare the credit card data as a form of guarantee against any form of damage to the vehicle or company due to damage, loss of equipment, claims, administrative sanctions, etc. In this case, the CHARTERER may charge the account designated by the RENTER the amount due which can be unconditionally used to pay for damage to the vehicle and any other cost related to the use of the vehicle.
The CHARTERER undertakes to provide proof of payments of damages suffered due to the RENTER as proof of the amount charged.
15) With the signing of the rental contract, the RENTER acquires only the temporary possession of the vehicle and must unconditionally return it within the agreed final term.
16) The RENTER must immediately report any anomaly of the vehicle to the Company.
17) Payment can be made by any lawful means, the cancellation of the reservation must take place within 36 hours prior to the start of the rental; in case of default, the Company may withhold the amount paid as an advance as a penalty.
18) The RENTER, at the time of signing the rental contract, must issue a copy of the identity document and credit card data, and also authorizes the company to hold their personal data pursuant to the privacy legislation. Failing this, the motorcycle will not be delivered.
19) In case of seizure of the vehicle, the company will charge the RENTER the full cost of both custody, the daily cost calculated on the basis of the rental rates for the unavailability of the vehicle until its release, with a maximum equal to the replacement value of the vehicle on the date of expiry of the rental period; in this case, having reached the aforementioned maximum value, after having forfeited the due sums, the vehicle will be invoiced to the RENTER.
20) If the rental should have a shorter duration than the period established in the contract for reasons not attributable to the CHARTERER, no refund will be made.
21) The parties agree that for any dispute the settlement of the relationship is given by this contract, the general conditions and the Italian Civil Code.
22) The competent court, conventionally established, is the Court of Naples.
23) The RENTER declares that this contract is composed of n. 5 pages, and to have it, prior to the subscription at the bottom, read carefully and to have understood it in detail.
In particular, the RENTER declares to have read all those provisions, prepared by the CHARTERER Company, which may involve contractual provisions to be paid by the RENTER, specifying that it has carefully read what is contained in articles No. 1 to No.23, summarized below: – contract condition and condition of the vehicle – communication obligations to the Company – rental costs – behavior and obligations in the event of an accident; compensation for damage – exemption and waiver compensation for damage in the event of failure of the vehicle – security deposit in favor of the CHARTERER – seizure of the vehicle, charges, financial and criminal charges – waiver of compensation for return prior to the expiry date of the contract and non-use of the vehicle by the RENTER – Conventional court also for issues potentially included in Legislative Decree 206/2005 (so-call consumer code and its amendments) – Verification and approval of the contract.
The RENTER declares to have well understood the above rules, its contractual obligations, any charges and prejudices, declares to share the content as prepared by the CHARTERER and to accept it unconditionally so that it consciously subscribes to it and approves it as a whole.