
Generical info about Pozzuoli

In Pozzuoli make sure to check out the Flavian Amphitheatre (the most well preserved in Italy after the Coliseum) and Rione Terra, the old historic town where the inhabitants of Pozzuoli used to live since the Roman Ages. Besides walking on the beautiful seaside and port, if you are in for some nature, check out the Oasi naturalistica del Monte Nuovo, a park situated on an extinct volcano. There you will be able to hike around the volcanic cone and you can appreciate the extent of the Campi Flegrei Supervulcano, a large volcanic area on which the entire area sits on.


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Entrance is free 

The park is open from 09:00 – 12:00 and from 14:00 – 17:00

If you like hiking this park really deserves a visit!

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